Vous êtes ici : Parcours (M2) > Biorefinery


Modalités d'admission



Required diploma: This program is open to students in chemistry and/or biochemistry having validated 4 years of study (Master 1st year / Bachelor / 240 ECTS-credits).

English: The advised language level in the Common European Franmework correspond to B2.
A copy of your certificate with your score for either TOEFL, or IELTS or TOIC should be provided.
If you don’t hold any English language certification when filing your application, please proceed to your self- assessment by creating your own Europass Language Passport .
If English is the medium of instruction in your university, then an official certificate stating so, issued by an officer of your university will be accepted instead of IELTS or Toefl.

Application forms

Application forms are available from mid-december to mid-march (or later, depending on your situation). They must be returned by email or postal mail to the secretary. The guideline for application is included in the form.
Each candidate will receive an answer by the end of June.

Download the application form:

Admission in Lille1 University

In addition to the aforementionned application procedure, every candidate (international and european students) has to follow an admission procedure in order to enroll in Lille1 University.

The procedure depends on your situation (nationality, country of residence, last diploma obtained/prepared).

International students should check if their country has a Campusfrance agency:

IF SO, they have to create as soon as possible their online Campus France file before March 15th (deadline changes depending on countries). Campusfrance is also in charge of visa issuing. More info with your local Campus France agency.

IF NOT, they need to follow Lille1 University's validation procedure, like Europeans students.

European students have to go through the validation procedure from Lille1 University: the procedure is online (in French) and opens from March to end of April.

Bourse / Scholarship:

The AUF scholarship may be available under specific conditions. More info on its website .

The program Make our planet great again propose scholarship to M1 and M2 students. Click.



Le parcours Bio-Raffineries (Biorefinery) vise les étudiants voulant s’orienter vers les métiers de valorisation de la biomasse en énergie et/ou en synthons chimiques.

La formation est ouverte à un large éventail d’étudiants:

Etudiants des universités titulaires d’un M1 en chimie, biochimie ou procédés…,
Elèves-ingénieurs en chimie de 3e année,
Etudiants étrangers entrant en M1 ou en M2 suivant le niveau,
Formation continue après validation des acquis professionnels et VAE.

Inscriptions au M2:

Le recrutement est international et se fait sur dossier de candidature (voir ci-dessous). Après examen des dossiers par la commission d’admissibilité, les candidats admissibles sont convoqués à un entretien. A l’issue des entretiens, le jury d’admission établit les listes principale et complémentaire.

Tous les candidats (Internationaux, Européens, Français) doivent également suivre une procédure d'admission pour s'inscrire à l'Université Lille1. Celle-ci diffère selon la nationalité du candidat, son pays de résidence et le dernier diplôme obtenu. Pour connaître la procédure à suivre (Campus France, validation, etc), remplissez le questionnaire "Démarche".